The MTO Summit, October 21-22 in San Francisco was the hub for discussions on event industry technology. Much of the discussion focused on social media and social networking applications and integration. Two interesting technology providers, Fantail Consulting and The Social Collective were on hand to offer new perspectives and solutions for social media pains.
Michael J. Hatch, president, Fantail Consulting (formerly with A2Z, Inc.) discusses the cloud computing consultancy services that his new company is offering. This technology holds promise for event organizers looking to provide remote applications and networking capabilities to its community of stakeholders such as attendees, (both face-to-face and virtual), exhibitors, sponsors and others that could overload a conventional Web server. In the above video, Hatch talks about lowering costs and increasing operational efficiency using cloud computing resources.
Clinton Bonner of The Social Collective discusses the capabilities of his company’s crowdsourcing application called Crowd Campaign. All you need is a good contest idea, a few hundred dollars, at least six weeks lead time and 500 or more Twitter followers. Event organizers benefit in three ways–the tweets generate a viral effect (i.e. information about your event is passed along as contest prizes stimulate participation), users contribute valuable content (opinions, case studies, YouTube videos, etc.) in exchange for a chance to win and revenue streams emerge (as sponsors hitch their logos to the Web landing page).
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